Social distancing and home quarantine are great solutions for stopping the spread of the coronavirus. It may be the safest option for avoiding the virus, but what about avoiding other harmful situations? What if home isn’t a safe place? For many involved in an abusive relationship, this home isolation means victims are spending more time with their abusers, with less opportunity to get out and seek help.
Studies have shown that in times of stress and economic struggle, abusers are more likely to strike, and more often. It’s no secret that Covid-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy, people are losing their jobs. A victim may have been saving money to leave their abuser, and sudden job loss can thwart those efforts, leaving them once again feeling trapped. Jen Pierson, executive director of Concord’s Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire says: “Victims should never feel that their only option is to return – you don’t need to go back. Call us – we have the funds, we have emergency financial assistance and we’ll find you housing. We will figure it out.”
These victims NEED emergency devices to make those calls. Our emergency phone inventory is suffering during this crisis. The combination of businesses having to close, and the rise in abuse are major contributing factors. Is your company still operating? If so, please check your lost and found, or property and evidence rooms. These phones can mean someone’s life. You can be the key to saving lives in these difficult times. As serious as this pandemic is, let us not forget about our vulnerable community who was suffering before this, and even more so now.