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Your cell phone may be the critical link between law enforcement and someone in trouble.

In May of 2004, the 911 Cell Phone Bank was created to provide an ongoing and readily available source of 911 emergency cell phones and funds to meet the unexpected and urgent needs of participating law enforcement and affiliated victim services agencies. Since then we have distributed well over 150,000 emergency cell phones and generated over $1 million to further our cause.


The 911 Cell Phone Bank recycles cell phones, smartphones, tablets and other portable electronic devices for individuals, businesses and public agencies across the country. The devices collected are used to support our mission: to provide no cost emergency cell phones to victims of abuse and senior citizens. 


In November of 2014 the 911 Cell Phone Bank created the DATA SECURE program. Through this program we help lost and found departments and property and evidence rooms safely and securly dispose of the electronic devices in their possession. Most of these devices have, stored in their memory, sensitive and confidential data. Through our program we delete all data and securely dispose of the devices we receive.

Who We Work With
Below are just a few of the organizations we have the pleasure of working with.
Please contact us if you would like more information on how we can work together.

911 Cell Phone Bank
2750 E Silver Springs Blvd
Ocala, FL 34470 




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The 911 Cell Phone Bank - Data Secure is an initiative of The Charitable Recycling Foundation, Inc. an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID - 20-5050475)

© 2014-2022 The Charitable Recycling Foundation

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